Demihumans Contact

The following Demihumans Contact Form can be used to ask a question, report an issue, or request Account Deletion in relation to a Demihumans Account or Game. Please ensure you have read our Privacy Policy before filling out the form.

For faster responses, instead consider sending an email to:

Otherwise fill out all appropriate fields below.

Note: If you have a Privacy Policy concern, you must include your User ID and a valid street address.

If you wish to have your account deleted, we strongly recommend doing this through the in-game menu by clicking on Settings > Delete Account. You can do this at any time.

Account Deletion involves the removal of all game progress data and personal information from our database. For legal purposes, we may store game IDs, usernames, and the date you signed User Agreements.

Otherwise, fill out the form below. Deleted accounts cannot be recovered.

In the form below, you must provide the same email address you used to create the account, and we will contact you using that email address to verify the account owner truly wishes to have their account deleted.

Your deletion request itself may be stored for a period of time as a record of your request.

Contact form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


After submission, allow up to 30 days to receive a response. Repeated submissions will not increase the timeliness of replies.

Demihumans Privacy Policy

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